Use VOIP on your mobile and call for free from your mobile to another mobile for free. VOIP refers to VOICE OVER INTERNET PROTOCOLS and which transfer your calls from our traditional GSM to GPRS. This VOIP is a service on which we can make calls to another VOIP users or to any numbers. We can make free calls for free using the NIMBUZZ application, on which we can use g-talk, AIM, MSN, YAHOO, ICQ and Skype. So using this feature we can make calls to the people or friends who are online without any GSM charges. But GPRS charges apply to use this service. As we compare the average to the rates we can say that this is better to that of GSM cals, so use this to make calls for lower charges. We not only can call, we can send text messages for free from this application. This is a best applications for who have an unlimited or having huge amount of data transfer on their mobile plans can make calls absolutely for free. So use this application on your mobile to make calls for free or for low charges.

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